Building a new client pipeline means you no longer have to wait for the phone to ring - and you're no longer compelled to take on projects and clients that aren't in your wheelhouse - because you can generate new enquiries, leads and projects, on-demand.
Eventually you'll become a sought-after expert who can charge more for your services, and you may even generate a waitlist!
(I know this system works, because I use it in my own business, and so do my most successful clients!)
Key information about the mini-course
Presenter: Rachael Bernstone, Business development, marketing and communications advisor to architects, and Founder, Sounds Like Design (see my credentials to teach this workshop here).
CPD Allocation: 1 Formal point / hour (Certificates of Completion will be issued for architects who require them as part of their registration)
CPD Learning outcomes
This CPD Express training is for busy architects who want to take control of their new project pipeline, and navigate the complexity of modern marketing, to win more of their ideal clients and projects. During this mini-course, you'll learn:
The training is equivalent to 1 hour / 1 Formal CPD point and will deliver outcomes related to the following Competencies from the National Standard of Competency for Architects 2021:
PC7 Apply and follow processes for clear and consistent communication with clients and relevant stakeholders throughout the project, including obtaining approvals from clients and stakeholders.
PC34 Communicate conceptual design proposals and associated information to client, stakeholders and communities using appropriate and culturally responsive methods appropriate to different audiences.
PC47 Be able to complete and communicate on-time, accurate documents for relevant stakeholders, including drawings, models, specifications, schedules and construction documentation.
APBSA Core Area: Practice Management
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